How to Use the Find Command in Linux

By Anurag Singh

Updated on Dec 12, 2024

How to Use the Find Command in Linux

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use the Find command in Linux.

The find command in Linux is a versatile utility used for searching files and directories in a file system. It offers a variety of options to refine searches based on name, type, permissions, size, and many other attributes. This guide will walk you through the basics and explore advanced usage of the find command.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following:

  • A KVM VPS or dedicated server with any Linux distro installed.
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges.
  • Basic knowledge of Linux commands.

How to Use the Find Command in Linux

Understanding the Basic Syntax

The general syntax of the find command is:

find [path] [expression] [action]
  • path: The directory to search. By default, it is the current directory (.).
  • expression: Criteria to refine your search (e.g., file name, type, size).
  • action: What to do with the matching files (e.g., display, delete).

Basic Usage

Finding Files by Name

To locate a file by name, use the -name option:

find /path/to/search -name "filename"


find /home/user -name "document.txt"

This searches for document.txt in /home/user and its subdirectories.

Case-Insensitive Search

Use -iname for a case-insensitive search:

find /path/to/search -iname "filename"

Searching for Directories

To search for directories, use the -type d option:

find /path/to/search -type d -name "directoryname"

Finding Files by Extension

Use wildcard characters to find files with a specific extension:

find /path/to/search -name "*.txt"

Advanced Search Options

Finding Files by Size

To search for files based on size, use the -size option:

find /path/to/search -size [N][cwbkMG]
  • c: Bytes
  • w: Two-byte words
  • b: 512-byte blocks
  • k: Kilobytes
  • M: Megabytes
  • G: Gigabytes


find /home/user -size +10M

This searches for files larger than 10 MB in /home/user.

Finding Files by Modification Time

To find files modified within a specific time frame, use -mtime:

find /path/to/search -mtime -N
  • -N: Modified within the last N days.
  • +N: Modified more than N days ago.


find /var/log -mtime -7

This searches for files modified within the last 7 days.

Searching by Permissions

To find files with specific permissions, use -perm:

find /path/to/search -perm mode


find /home/user -perm 644

This finds files with 644 permissions.

Finding Empty Files and Directories

To find empty files:

find /path/to/search -type f -empty

To find empty directories:

find /path/to/search -type d -empty

Combining Criteria

You can combine multiple search criteria using -and (default) or -or:

find /path/to/search \( -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.log" \)

Executing Actions on Found Files

Printing Results

By default, find prints the path of matching files. You can use -print explicitly:

find /path/to/search -name "*.txt" -print

Deleting Files

To delete files, use -delete:

find /path/to/search -name "*.tmp" -delete

Caution: Always test your command with -print before using -delete to avoid accidental deletions.

Executing Commands on Found Files

The -exec option lets you run commands on each found file:

find /path/to/search -name "*.log" -exec rm {} \;
  • {}: Placeholder for the file name.
  • \;: Ends the command.


find /home/user -type f -name "*.txt" -exec cat {} \;

This displays the content of all .txt files.

Using xargs for Bulk Operations

For more efficient command execution, use xargs:

find /path/to/search -name "*.log" | xargs rm

Practical Examples

Finding Recently Accessed Files

Use -atime to find files accessed within a specific time:

find /path/to/search -atime -1

This finds files accessed in the last 24 hours.

Excluding Directories

Use the -prune option to exclude specific directories:

find /path/to/search -path "/path/to/exclude" -prune -o -name "*.txt" -print

Searching for Specific File Types

To find symbolic links, use -type l:

find /path/to/search -type l

Searching by User or Group

Find files owned by a specific user:

find /path/to/search -user username

Or by group:

find /path/to/search -group groupname

Performance Optimization

Limiting Search Depth

Use -maxdepth and -mindepth to control the search depth:

find /path/to/search -maxdepth 2 -name "*.txt"

This restricts the search to two levels deep.

Avoid Searching Network File Systems

Use the -mount option to prevent find from traversing into other file systems:

find / -mount -name "*.conf"


The find command is an indispensable tool for Linux users, offering unparalleled flexibility in locating files and directories. Whether you need to perform a simple search or execute complex operations, mastering find will significantly enhance your productivity in Linux system administration.