Handling Out-of-Memory Errors

By Anurag Singh

Updated on Nov 22, 2024

Handling Out-of-Memory Errors

In this tutorial, handling out-of-memory errors on cloud servers. 

Step-by-step guide to diagnosing and resolving Out-of-Memory (OOM) errors on cloud servers, focusing on troubleshooting, log analysis, and memory optimization. This guide will help you understand OOM errors, prevent future occurrences, and keep their servers running efficiently.

Out-of-Memory (OOM) errors can be challenging, especially on cloud servers where resource allocation directly impacts performance and costs. OOM errors occur when the server runs out of memory, forcing the kernel to terminate processes to free up memory space. This guide will walk you through diagnosing, troubleshooting, and resolving OOM errors, including memory optimization techniques to prevent future issues.

Handling Out-of-Memory Errors on Cloud Servers

1. Understanding OOM Errors

An OOM error occurs when a system doesn't have enough free memory (RAM) to handle its workload. This results in the Linux kernel triggering the OOM Killer, which selects processes to terminate based on priority to free up memory.

Why Do OOM Errors Happen?

  • Resource-intensive applications consuming more memory than expected.
  • Memory leaks in applications, where memory is not released after use.
  • Misconfigured applications, leading to excessive memory allocation.
  • Inadequate server sizing, not meeting the demands of the workload.
  • Running multiple services on a single server with limited memory.

2. Diagnosing OOM Errors

To diagnose OOM errors, you need to check system logs and gather relevant data. Here are some tools and steps to help you identify memory issues.

a) Checking System Logs

OOM events are usually logged in system logs. Use the following commands to find OOM-related logs:

# Check the syslog for OOM events
grep -i 'out of memory' /var/log/syslog

# Check the kernel logs for OOM Killer activities
dmesg | grep -i 'killed process'

Logs will provide information about which process was killed and when the OOM event occurred. Look for entries similar to:

[date time] kernel: Out of memory: Kill process [PID] ([Process Name]) ...

b) Using free to Monitor Memory Usage

Check the current memory usage with the free command:

free -h

The output will show total memory, used memory, and available memory. This will help you understand how much memory is being consumed.

c) Monitoring Memory Usage with top or htop

Use top or htop to get a real-time overview of system resource consumption:


Focus on the RES (Resident Memory) column to see the actual memory being used by processes. Sort by memory usage to identify memory-hungry processes.

d) Analyzing Memory Usage with ps

Identify which processes are using the most memory:

ps aux --sort=-%mem | head -n 10

This command will list the top 10 memory-consuming processes, allowing you to identify potential culprits.

3. Resolving OOM Errors

Once you've identified the processes causing memory issues, you can take action to resolve them. Here are some strategies:

a) Kill or Restart Resource-Intensive Processes

If you identify a process consuming excessive memory, you can terminate or restart it:

# Kill a process by PID
kill [PID]

# Restart a service
systemctl restart [service-name]

b) Adjust Application Memory Limits

Some applications, like Java or Node.js, allow you to set memory limits. Adjust these configurations to prevent excessive memory usage:

# Java Example: Setting memory limits
java -Xms512m -Xmx2g -jar myapp.jar

# Node.js Example: Setting memory limits
node --max-old-space-size=2048 app.js

4. Optimizing Memory Usage

After resolving immediate OOM issues, optimize the server to prevent future problems. Here are some best practices:

a) Fine-Tune System Swap

Enabling swap space can help prevent OOM errors by providing temporary disk-based memory. Be cautious: swap is slower than RAM.

# Check if swap is enabled
swapon --show

# Create a swap file (2 GB example)
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

# Enable swap permanently
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

b) Use ulimit to Limit Memory Usage per User

ulimit can be used to set memory limits for processes run by a specific user, preventing any single user from consuming excessive resources.

# Set a soft memory limit of 2 GB
ulimit -m 2097152

c) Monitor with Tools like vmstat and iostat

Use tools like vmstat and iostat for detailed memory and I/O analysis:

# Monitor virtual memory usage
vmstat 5

# Monitor I/O statistics
iostat 5

d) Optimize Database Configurations

Databases can consume significant memory. Review configurations like cache sizes and memory limits:

# MySQL example: Check and set memory limits
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_buffer_pool_size';
SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G;

e) Update and Optimize Application Code

Memory leaks in the application code can lead to OOM errors. Conduct code reviews, profile your application, and update libraries or frameworks to the latest versions.

5. Monitoring and Automation to Prevent OOM Errors

Implement monitoring and automation tools to prevent future OOM errors.

Use Monitoring Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch

Set up monitoring tools to keep an eye on memory usage and receive alerts when memory usage crosses thresholds.

  • Prometheus: Collect metrics from your servers.
  • Grafana: Visualize memory usage trends.
  • AWS CloudWatch: Monitor AWS cloud servers.

6. When to Upgrade Cloud Server Resources

In some cases, you may need to upgrade your cloud server resources. Here are signs that it's time to upgrade:

  • Constant OOM errors despite optimizations.
  • CPU and memory usage consistently above 80%.
  • Slow performance under typical load.
  • Growth in application data or user base.

Consider upgrading to a server with more memory or using auto-scaling features in cloud environments.


Handling OOM errors effectively involves careful diagnosis, immediate response, and long-term prevention. Use the tools and techniques outlined in this guide to identify the root causes of OOM errors, optimize server memory, and implement preventive measures. Regular monitoring and proactive management are essential to maintaining a healthy cloud environment.

By following these steps, you can ensure a more stable and efficient server infrastructure, reducing the risk of unexpected crashes and service disruptions.

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